Adult Ministries
Bible Study
Bible Study, led by Fr. Tom, is held from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays in the parish hall, except during the summer when it goes into recess. The class is an hour in length and starts with a light dinner. It takes on different themes with the current one being women in the Bible. For further information, please contact Fr. Tom.
Inquirers' Class
Those who desire to be baptized, confirmed, or received from another Christian tradition, are asked to attend the Inquirers' Class led by the rector. Those who are merely interested in learning more about our faith and tradition are also invited to attend. Over three sessions, attendees learn Christian doctrine and history, as well as Episcopalian and Anglican distinctives. For further information please see How do I become a member of The Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist? To attend the Inquirers' Class please contact Fr. Tom.
Liturgical Assistants Workshops
Conducted by the rector, workshops are held periodically as needed to train those who assist at the altar during Mass. Lay Eucharistic ministers are members in good standing who are invited by the rector and willing to receive this required training. Acolytes are members in good standing who are willing to be trained. For further information, please contact Fr. Tom.
Book Club
Led by retired teacher Sharon Lamando, the parish Book Club is informal but follows a structured discussion during the hour-long meeting. Participants read their own copies of the book (e-book, paperback, hardcover) or obtain it from the library, and then meet in the parish hall. Members also decide when to meet again, roughly every other month, and what the next book will be for that meeting. For more information, contact Sharon Lamando.