During Worship
We welcome your participation during worship. Click here to indicate interest in the area of serving.
Acolytes are trained to perform important functions in the Mass such as carrying the cross, lighting the candles and assisting clergy in preparation of the Eucharist. The position is available to members in good standing who are willing to receive the necessary training. If interested, please contact Fr. Tom.
Alter Guild (Sacristans)
The Altar Guild is the ministry of sacristans, that is, individuals who prepare and maintain the sacred vessels and vestments used in the church. Some of our sacristans also help with floral arrangements and decorations for special occasions. Parishioners are trained and assigned to a rotating team that is responsible for the services during a two-week series. If interested in becoming a sacristan, please contact Doris Schirmer.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
To serve the parish as a lay Eucharistic minister is a meaningful and fulfilling ministry. The opportunity to assist the celebrant during Holy Eucharist as a chalice bearer and lay reader is available to members in good standing who are invited by Fr. Tom and willing to be trained to perform these duties.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
License from the bishop is available to several members of the laity to assist the rector in visiting the sick and shut-ins in the congregation and to provide the Eucharist. Those who serve in this ministry must be a members in good standing, invited by Fr. Tom, and willing to be trained.
By reading the First Lesson at each Sunday Mass, this group of parishioners is given a meaningful way to participate in our services. Simple training is provided and each lector is provided with a copy of the lectionary they will be reading in order to become familiar with the reading ahead of time. If you are interested please contact Scott Kresge.
Ushers at our worship services are crucial participants in our liturgy and are essential to our ministry of hospitality. They welcome worshipers with bulletins, bring forward the Eucharistic elements, and receive the offering. (Read our Guidelines for Ushers.) Usher teams typically serve once a month. If interested please contact Bel Gwiazdowski.