With many churches not yet able to have their members gather for in-person-worship, the Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist in Milton encouraged worshipers last Sunday, June 21st, to drive by after the live-streamed Worship Service to receive a baptismal blessing. That day the church's patron, St. John the Baptist, was celebrated with readings, hymns, prayers, and a Spirit-filled sermon by The Rev. Martha Kirkpatrick, which is available for viewing on theHomily Page. Canon Kirkpatrick is on the Bishop's staff of the diocese, the Episcopal Church in Delaware. The Renewal of Baptismal Vows was also a part of the Service. Following worship, Father Tom White, the church's Rector, stood at the church's entrance, to bless parishioners who drove by, sprinkling them with baptismal water and saying these words: "You have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever. Rejoice in God's gift of Holy Baptism by which you are God's child!" Father Tom said he was so thrilled and thankful to see members he's hasn't seen in person since the staying in place order began in mid-March.