What to Expect
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we invite you to join us at St. John the Baptist! We want your first visit to be a pleasant one and have answered some frequently asked questions below. All are welcome here, no exceptions!
What do I wear to services?
We care more that you come than what you wear. You will find some in suits and those much more casual. Children tend to wear school clothes.
Where do I park?
There are a few parking spots on Prettyman street next to the side entrance that we ask be left for those with special needs. There are two parking lots, both on the corner of Federal and Wharton streets and are labeled for you to find. If both parking lots and street parking are full there is overflow parking on the grassy Wharton street lot.
Where are services held?
Our worship service is held on Sunday mornings in the sanctuary of the Church, which can be accessed from the main entrance on Federal Street and the side entrance on Prettyman street.
What is Holy Eucharist?
You might know it as the Lord's Supper, Holy Communion, or Mass. It is the sacrament commanded by Jesus Christ for the continual remembrance of his life, death, and resurrection. The symbols in the Eucharist are bread and wine. We welcome all baptized people to communion, including children.
How do I take Communion?
Following those in the pew in front of you, walk up the center aisle to the altar rail. Either kneel or stand at the rail. Hold your hands together, and the priest will put a wafer or morsel of bread in your hand. You may eat the bread or wait and dip it into the wine when the server brings it to you. Both are completely acceptable. After receiving communion, leave the altar rail by the side aisles and return to your pew. If you are not ready to take communion, you may remain in your pew or come to the altar rail for a blessing. To receive a blessing, simply cross your arms over your chest.
Is there a suggested amount to put in the offering?
As a visitor, please make a free will gift. If you become a regular worshiper, we ask that you prayerfully consider an annual pledge that supports the work we do and demonstrates the value the church provides to you.
What programs are available for my children?
Children are welcome at all services, though we do off Sunday school for children age 4-12 during the academic school year.
What do I call the clergy?
Generally, most call the rector by his first name preceded with ‘Father’. You will quickly meet and get to know Father Tom.
How do I learn more about St. John the Baptist?
Please fill out a welcome card found in the pew, complete this contact form and drop it in the offertory plate. If you indicated that you would like to learn more, you will be contacted after that.
How do I learn more about the Episcopal Church?
The clergy and members of vestry will be glad to help you learn more, and there are leaflets at the entrance to the Church that may answer some of your questions. You may also go online prior and visit the Episcopal Church website.